Alternative Schemes for Central Wanchai Waterfront
1. Our Society is pleased to circulate the Conceptual Plans and Explanatory Notes of two alternative schemes for the Central Wanchai Waterfront which will be brought to the attention of the Joint Meeting of the Panel on Planning, Lands and Works and Panel on Environmental Affairs this afternoon.
2. The first scheme shows improvements to the Central Wanchai Waterfront with minimum reclamation and without the proposed Central Wanchai Bypass.
3. The second scheme shows a minimum reclamation proposal for the Central and Wanchai Waterfront incorporating the proposed Central Wanchai Bypass which occupies the same alignment as that proposed by the Government.
4. The Explanatory Notes explain the details of the two schemes.
Special Committee to Supervise Funds
5. Up to 5:00 p.m. yesterday (Wednesday, 26th November 2003), the sum of HK$1,504,649.50 has been donated by the public. Our Former Chairman Mr. Winston K.S. Chu has made the same amount of donation to the Society on the basis of ‘Dollar for Dollar’ as he had undertaken to do so that the total donations now amounts to HK$3,009,298.11. .
6. A special committee comprising the following persons has been formed to look after this fund:-
Ms. Christine Loh (陸恭蕙小姐) - Chairperson
Mr. Winston K.S. Chu (徐嘉慎先生) - Adviser
Mr. Benjamin Chang (張斌先生) - Solicitor
Mr. Jeff Tse (謝澤權先生) - Solicitor
7. As set out in the Press Release dated 22nd September 2003, the fund will be used for the following purposes:-
A. To finance the present litigation undertaken by our Society including:
(a) The Appeal launched by the Town Planning Board to the Court of Final Appeal against the Judgment of the High Court in favour of our Society over the Wanchai Reclamation.
(b) Any legal action that our Society may have to undertake to stop the Central Reclamation works now being carried on by the Government; and
(c) Any other legal action that may be necessary to enforce the Protection of the Harbour Ordinance.
NOTE: In order to avoid any possible conflict of interests, such fund will only be used for payment of counsel’s fees and disbursements and none of the fund will be used to pay the legal costs of Messrs. Winston Chu & Company.
B. To promote the ‘Friends of the Harbour’ Campaign which the Society will be conducting in order to attract greater public interest and public participation in the work of our Society to protect and promote the Harbour.
C. Any other work of our Society for the protection and preservation of the Harbour.
The Harbour Primer
8. Our Society has prepared the Harbour Primer. 240,000 copies in English and Chinese have been printed. These will be distributed to members of the public.
Posted by RealityMaster at November 28, 2003 10:37 PM